Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Did you know that the name, tulip comes from tulipa or turban (also taliban) worn by people in the Middle East? Tulip is the national flower of Turkey & Iran and the floral emblem of Netherlands. The peculiar shape and colors of tulip make it one of the most loved flowers on earth. Just a glimpse of these flowers, and a feeling of comfort and coziness engulfs the mind. Tulips bloom in the beginning of spring season; amongst the first blooms of the season along with daffodils and other flowers, tulips also symbolize a new beginning.

Pink: Pink tulips are used to present the idea of perfect happiness. These flowers are used for offering best wishes. Pink and red tulips have somewhat similar meaning. Tulips are also used to display care and attachment.

Purple: The purple tulips are known for the quality of royalty. Reference to the purple color being associated with nobility can be found in 'Hamlet', a play written by William Shakespeare. Purple tulips found in Ukrainian artworks are associated with rebirth and spring.

White: Qualities like purity, innocence and humility are associated with white tulips. The attribute of forgiveness is also associated with the white color. Remembrance and respect is exhibited through white tulips; however, tulip flowers can also be used for funeral ceremonies. A garden with white tulips symbolizes heaven on earth. Blue tulips are variants of the white ones. They represent peace and tranquility. You may gift blue tulips to display your trust in a person.
Red: The red tulips are used to express love. Red tulips stand for belief in love; therefore, true love is associated with these tulips.

Orange: The orange tulips represent happiness. This color is also used in reference with the mutual understanding between a couple. Warmth, fascination, energy, desire, enthusiasm are some of the qualities that the orange tulips represent.

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